Cost Comparison Calculator
Drainiac® Cost Calculator

How much can you save with Drainiac® Passive Oil-Water Separators?

Cost Comparison Calculator

Drainiac® Cost Calculator

Secondary Containment System Cost Comparison


Compare Costs of Manual and Automated Draining of Outdoor Secondary Containment Systems

Outdoor secondary containment systems are an essential part of most
stormwater and SPCC plans.

They’re effective at containing spills and preventing discharges. But the time and expense of routine inspections, cleaning, and draining can add up. One utility reported more than $100,000 in routine costs associated with maintaining just seven of their outdoor secondary containment systems.

Installing passive oil-water separators eliminate the need for expensive vac truck pump outs and reduces the time spent at each secondary containment system from hours to less than five minutes.

Use the calculator to calculate and compare the costs of manual and automated draining of outdoor secondary containment systems.

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